Hotel Grantini privacy policy

Who are we?

Limited liability company ’’GrantiniCamp’’, registration number: 40003706302, legal address: Jelgava municipality, Svete parish, “Grantini 1”

Your privacy and trust are important to us

Our purpose is to inform you as clearly and understandable as possible how and why we use your personal information.

Our purpose is to make you feel safe upon disclosure of your personal data to us. The personal data is any information which may be used to identify an individual.

We take appropriate measures to ensure that your personal data are always safe with us and that processing of your personal data shall be made in accordance with the applicable legal acts of data protection, our internal procedures.

It is important for us to be transparent when processing your personal data.

We have undertaken to protect your personal information and maintain confidentiality whatever we do. This policy allows you to find out what data we can obtain about you, how we shall use them, and it will provide information about your rights and how you can contact us.

Sometimes we have to change our Privacy policy. All changes which, of course, are available to you any time, will be published on this site.

Which categories of personal data do we collect and why?

Provision of hotel services

We process your personal data to provide hotel services to you, among them, provision of accommodation. If you do not provide the necessary personal data, you will not be able to receive our service. The duties of the hotels set out in laws are binding on us, among them, the obligation to identify its client, namely, we are obligated to establish whether you are the person you are impersonating.

We store the personal data of the clients’ registration forms for 3 (three) years.

Categories of personal dataLawful basis

Personal information (given name, surname, personal code or date of birth, citizenship (or nationality))

Contact information (address, telephone number)

Payment details if you make cashless payment (number and validity of payment card)

Other information to provide the hotel services (for example, the car registration number, if the hotel offers parking service and you use it)

Provision of service
Electronic mail addressYour consent
Data of personal identification document (passport or identity card)Our legal obligation is to identify the clients

Using our services you confirm that the personal data provided by you are accurate and correct and that you have reached at least 18 years of age. We cannot guarantee the provision of services if you do not provide accurate data.


Cookies are small text files which are created and stored on your as internet user’s device (computer, tablet, mobile phone etc.), when visiting our website. The cookies “remember” your experience and thus improve the usability of our website.

Using cookies, the historical data of the website usage are processed, the problems and website functional failures are diagnosed, statistics of the user browsing habits is collected as well as the complete and easy usage of the website functionality is ensured.

If you opt not to allow to use cookies, you can turn them off by changing your internet browser settings, however in such case the functionalities of our website may not work properly. Deletion of the stored cookies is possible in the section of internet browser settings on your device by deleting the history of the stored cookies.

Categories of personal dataLawful basis
Preferences of website users, statistics of habits

Your consent (Configuration of

internet browser)

From which sources do we collect personal data?


We summarize the personal data provided by you to us before provision of our service, as well as when you visit the area of our hotel (video surveillance) or our homepage (cookies), as well as when you apply for receiving the advertising and informative materials.

Cooperation partners

If you place an order for our service via our cooperation partners (for example,, travel agents, operators), we will obtain data from these cooperation partners to ensure the provision of our service to you.

Whom we transfer your personal data?

Service providers and cooperation partners

To fulfil our obligations towards you (for example, to ensure booking of accommodation), we transfer your personal data to the companies which provide outsourcing services to us. We carefully verify all outsourcing providers (personal data processors), which process your personal data on behalf of us and on our assignment. We assess whether our outsourcing providers apply appropriate safeguard measures so that your personal data processing is performed in compliance with our tasks, directions, instructions and legal requirements. These companies are not entitled to use your personal data for any other purposes.

Law enforcement agencies, state and local government institutions

To fulfil our legal obligations, we may transfer your personal data to the law enforcement agencies (for example, the police) as well as the state and local government institutions upon their request. We may transfer your personal data also to the law enforcement agencies (for example, the courts) as well as the state and local government institutions to protect our legitimate interests by drafting, submitting and maintaining legal claims.

Personal data transfer outside the European Union and the European Economic Area (EU/EEA)

We try to process your personal data in the territory of the European Union and the European Economic Area (EU/EEA). Your personal data are not processed in the country which is outside EU/EEA, to provide the service chosen by you.

Your personal data transfer and processing outside EU/EEA can take place, if a lawful basis exists for it, namely, to fulfil the legal obligation, conclude or fulfil a contract in accordance with your consent or in other narrowly defined cases.

For how long are your personal data stored?

All personal data obtained from you are stored as long as you use our services or until you withdraw your consent, if it serves as a basis for your personal data processing. Longer storage period is allowable, to meet the legal requirements for the minimum storage period for documents or information, or to protect our legitimate interests.

Upon expiry of this period, we shall safely delete your personal data or make them unavailable (archiving) or unidentifiable, so that they would not further be possible to be related to you.

How do we protect your personal data?

We ensure, constantly review and improve our safeguard measures to protect your personal data form unauthorized access, accidental loss, disclosure or destruction. To achieve this, we use modern technologies, technical and organization requirements, incl. using firewalls, anti-virus software.

However, we recommend you to observe the general safety rules for desktop and website usage as well as the requirements for protection and usage of your private data (especially the personal identification documents), and we shall not assume responsibility for unauthorized access to your personal data and/or data loss if this occurred through your fault or negligence.

Your rights

The regulatory enactments in the sphere of data protection grant you several rights to influence your personal data processing.

Access to personal data

You have the right to request confirmation from us whether we process your personal data, an in such cases to request access to the personal data processed by us, or to provide information on the personal data if the direct access provision is not foreseen.

Rectification of personal data

If you believe that the information about you is incorrect and incomplete, you have the right to request to rectify it.

Withdrawal of consent

We process your personal data on the basis of your consent. You have the right any time to withdraw your consent for personal data processing.

Objection against personal data processing for advertising purposes

  1. You have the right any time to object to your personal data processing for advertising supply purposes.

Objection against processing on the basis of legitimate interests

You have the right any time to object to the data processing performed by us on the basis of our legitimate interests. However, we will proceed to process your data even if you have objected against it if we have convincing motivated reasons to proceed to process personal data. To exercise the above-mentioned rights, please submit a written application to us.


You have the right to request us to erase your personal data in certain circumstances, however, it does not refer to the cases when the law requires us to retain the data. To exercise the above-mentioned rights, please submit a written application to us.

Restriction of processing

You have the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. Please take into consideration that in case, if you request restriction of your personal data processing, it may affect your possibilities to receive our services. To exercise the above-mentioned rights, please submit a written application to us.

Data transmission

Eventually, you have the right to transmit your personal data to another data controller. These rights refer only to those provided to us on the basis of your consent or agreement, as well as when the processing is performed automatically. To exercise the above-mentioned rights, please submit a written application to us.

Whom can I contact in case if queries?

If any questions arise about your personal data processing, please contact us

If you are dissatisfied with the received reply, you have the right to file a complaint with the Data State Inspectorate (

Data controller’s contact information

SIA “GrantiniCamp” Jelgava municipality, Svete parish, “Grantiņi 1”
Reg.No. 40003706302
Telephone: +371 26664447,

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